01 January 2008

Happy New Year!

I have to admit, I'm cheating. It is actually January 6 when I'm writing this post, but I only just thought of this idea right now! (I'm backdating this post.)

I have been reading Elizabeth Gilbert's "Eat, Pray, Love" book about her journey of one year to find balance in her life. I'm near the end right now and she's talking about praying and expressing gratitude. So it occurs to me that I'm really thankful for many things. For the absolutely awesome people in my life, for having a fantastic job, for being able to travel, etc. But I somehow seem to always be too busy to really pause and give some sincere thought about how lucky I am in many respects. And while I'm listening to the BBC and hearing all about how disasters are happening all over our little blue planet, I wonder how can I add a little tiny bit of sunshine to this dreary landscape?

So, the idea is simple: find at least one thing each day I'm thankful for and write it down.

I'm sure quite a few people have done this, but this is my attempt. (Oh, who knows if I can remember to do this for 365 days?!) Anyways, let's do this thing!!!

Today I'm thankful for ...

... having wonderful friends, especially on New Years. To all the people I've known, you rock. We've had a year of great memories and I can't wait to have even more adventures in 2008! And to the people that I just met, you also rock. I hope to get to know you better!

... being in good health. I think I only got sick 1x this year, so my immune system certainly held up to all the coughing people on the Muni busses. (Knock on wood.)

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